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My Testimony - How God brought my husband

Writer's picture: Beth DaviesBeth Davies

Updated: Jan 8

God blew my socks off when I met my husband, and I want to shout about it!

This was my prayer that God would give me a testimony that I can share with others and encourage them in faith. Its all for Jesus right!

So here goes; I had waited and dated for so long. Where was my husband? I had hit the big 4 0. So many around me were married, it seemed such a normal thing for others but illusive to me. I felt alone in my struggle even within the church. I attended Christian conferences and enjoyed beautiful closeness with God in my singleness, however, I was surprised time and time again that it was never mentioned or prayed for at church. For women to conceive yes, but what about those ladies still waiting for a husband to conceive their child with! I felt unnoticed and yes some how ashamed for wanting, dare I say needing, a husband. But God knew and saw and cared, and boy did He do a good thing. However, he didn’t do anything until I did somethings differently, and it took a few more years of going around in my own circle before I stopped and gave it all to God, so He could do only what He can do....'more than I can even ask or imagine!'

January marked the start of yet another new year single and my heart was heavy. The blessing felt so delayed and I felt so tired of it all. I had waisted so much time faffing around in my own strength, waiting for guys who just dragged it out with no intention of marrying me, had been on dating sites that left me feeling so discouraged and worthless, my heart was trampled on and nothing and no one felt right. I had hit rock bottom! However, God never leaves us and when we come to the end of our strength it is often the best place to be as it means we let go of making it happen through our own striving and hand it over to Him and His word promises that He can do more than we can ask or imagine. When I finally fully let go and gave it to God, I put my eyes on Him and faith rose up in me and February of that year I decided to embark on a 21 Daniel fast. I had already gathered some girls who were also waiting and praying for the same desire, and set up a group called Godly Brides 2 Be and so I invited them to fast with me and that new year we fasted for our Godly husbands to be. I wanted a man after Gods heart and nothing less, I knew that God wanted that too for me and that He is a loving father who brings good gifts for His children and I could stand on His promises 100% and ignore the doubts.

“God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?”‭‭Numbers‬ ‭23‬:‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

So I came off dating sites and I spent time with God seeking Him more. I prayed daily, big bold prayers, I brought everything to God that wasn’t pleasing to him and repented, I brought my petition to Him and cried out to Him on my knees. I gathered Bible verses and held on to them, speaking them out as often as I could. I humbled myself before him as I recognized that only he can do it. Then something happened, the heaviness in my heart turned to joy and expectant hope became my reality. Suddenly the wait no loner felt like delay but it suddenly became exciting, and I knew in my heart that something was about to happen.

 “So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I wanted a man like Isaac, who saw Rebecca and fell in love with her and married her. I wanted a man obedient to Gods calling and who didn’t leave me guessing or waiting without any sense of direction. I wanted a man who wasn't afraid to get in the boat with me and figure it out together as husband and wife. So that’s what I asked for. “I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”‭‭Mark‬ ‭11‬:‭24‬ ‭NLT‬‬. My brother was getting married later that year, my other brother was also married, both didn't know Jesus, in fact I'm the only one in my family who does, 'Lord how can I be that I put my trust in you yet I'm still so barren in my life, should it not be that others can see your hand upon my life?' Then I prayed a prayer that I would change my life forever;

'Lord, let me know who my husband is by 31st August' 

This was the date of my brothers wedding, I couldn't face going to another family event single. It was May when I prayed this. The doubt came but I held fast in faith and to His word, believing ALL things are possible with God…. I got out of the way and let God!!

Then in early May I went to the women's conference I had gone to year after year, this time I didn't stay quite in faith and chose to tell those from my church, whom I had gone with, the prayer in my heart. One precious lady Wendy felt a strong calling to pray for me and later introduced me to the man who would become my husband. On the 7th July we had our first date, and on the 26th August he proposed to me on a glorious sunny day on an hill overlooking London and 5 days later on 31st August I danced with my fiancé at my brother’s wedding completely in awe of Gods miracle!! It still brings tears of joy to my eyes, I don’t think there will ever be a time that it doesn't. 

When God moves He doesn't hang around!!!

November that year we were married, 4 months from when we first met. He brought me my Isaac. I waited on God, leaned on Him, trusted Him to do it and jumped when He said jump. He brought me a Godly man who is humble, kind and obedient to God and while the waiting was hard and it felt so late in my timing, I know this was Gods plan and Gods man for me. When moments get tough, and they do as even in a marriage matched by God there are still bumpy moments, I always remember and fall back on the fact that this happened not by my striving or my choice but the best God has for me and for His good and perfect will for me life.


I later discovered that when Wendy had prayed for me God put my husband in her heart and that's why she was so determined to get me to this particular home group, she also prayed that God would confirm it through a friend of hers, Peter, to be sure that it wasn't just her desire but Gods. At our engagement party we discovered that Peter also had the same word from God about our union and had been praying for us. God answered us in everyway!

Giving it back to God. My prayer and hearts desire, as much if not more than the desire to meet my husband, was that God would give me a testimony that would bring glory to Him. My prayer is that this story of Gods goodness moves and encourages you to find the same bold faith and reminds you that with God its never too late.

God has placed it upon my heart to inspire others as I know the pain of waiting can be difficult and lonely, I want to share the journey with you and remind you that God still does mind blowing miracles.  

Don't walk this alone! Join our Godly Brides 2 Be group for community, fellowship and prayer.

Fast with us this New Year and see what God does!!

In the year I met my husband I joined other single ladies in a 21 Day Daniel fast to specifically fast for my husband. By November that year God answered my prayer and I was married!

Join myself and others as we fast to give the first part of the year to God.


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